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Ready Schools Resources

ReadyUP Resources

Ready Schools Six Core Principles

There are six core principles at the heart of the work of the Ready Schools Grant.

  1. Every student is engaged in a relevant path to success.
  2. Students graduate high school ready for postsecondary and career success.
  3. Meaningful and ongoing collaboration occurs among schools, industry, and community.
  4. Teaching and learning are grounded in relevancy.
  5. PK-12 schools are aligned around a common vision of student success.
  6. Schools embrace the significant role they play in achieving regional prosperity.

Regional Opportunities Initiatives, Inc. conducted an Occupational Needs Assessment to highlight the education and workforce needs of the advanced manufacturing, life sciences, and national security and defense sector in the greater Southwest Central Indiana region (now called the Indiana Uplands).  To view the reports, please click the links below.


The world of work is continuously changing.  Will our children be prepared?  This short video shows some of the ways innovation is changing the way we do things.

The Future of Work

Is college and the workforce what you’d expect?  This nine minute video helps a broader audience begin to understand preparation for tomorrow’s labor market realities.

Success in the New Economy